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My name is Aleksandra Kubas. I am the founder of the ILI OLA brand and a technologist.

The idea for the products that you can buy in our store came from my own skin’s needs. I have struggled with contact urticaria for almost two years, and with acne for over 10 years. Unfortunately, my “fight”, even though under the supervision of specialists in dermatology and allergology, was to heal the symptoms, instead of getting rid of the cause.

Over time, while studying physiology, cosmetology, allergology, dermatology, and biochemistry, I noticed a common denominator of my problems. It was confirmed by one of my doctors (GP). My skin had a badly damaged natural flora. My sebum had the wrong composition. The skin was dry due to lipid deficiency, which resulted in its very slow metabolism. Stress increased the production of histamine, which increased irritation, and repeatedly, immunity decreased day by day. In addition to hives and acne, there were lesions and cracks in the skin, which of course had an impact on my psyche.

This is how the idea for a cosmetic was born that will protect my skin against external factors, prevent water loss, take care of proper lubrication and proper sebum composition. It will not irritate. That is why our creams do not contain water. The lack of water means the lack of preservatives that can be irritating. Additionally, low-temperature production does not destroy unsaturated fatty acids, which are invaluable in skin care. The low-temperature production also increases the adhesion of the cosmetic to the skin. Thanks to this, the cream does not rub off so quickly, and the longer it stays on the skin, the longer it protects it from external factors

For me, the Oriental Cream was the perfect cosmetic, the addition of bergamot did not cause any unpleasant effects for me, on the contrary, it had a therapeutic effect. It improved my mood and increased the pleasure of the application. The Natural Cream was created at the same time, I learned by accident that there are many people who struggle with similar skin problems. However, this is a side effect of chemotherapy, in this case you should not use any fragrance additives, even natural ones.

How quickly did I deal with my skin problems?

With hives almost immediately! Within a few days, my skin started to function normally. With acne a little longer, almost a year. But if I had known what I know now, I could get rid of the acne in a few weeks.

If you have similar problems and would like to deal with them, I invite you to contact me. I am not a doctor, but thanks to my practice and cooperation with specialists in various fields of medicine, I will be able to show you the way that will lead you to beautiful skin. Skin without problems. Healthy skin.

I studied cosmetic chemistry at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Engineering and Health in Warsaw but stopped my studies after semester 4. Currently, I belong to the Employers’ Council of this department. University students may apply for a professional practice consistent with their education profile in our company. The practice is conducted under my supervision.

In 2019, in October, I received the award for my Natural Cream as safe and innovative. I received the award in the British Parliament and received the invitation from the Europe India Beauty Summit.

I work with the Spa for Cancer Foundation, whose charges fight cancer, not forgetting that recovery is easier and faster if we care for the body and soul at the same time. A foundation founded by Anna Hencka Zyser, who won the international Black Diamond Spa Awards competition in Paris in 2019 as the first Polish woman in the history of Forum Hotel & Spa, an award for “Innovation and Personality of the Year”. We follow a similar path. A path that is a holistic approach to care, to health.

Take care of yourself!